I’m going to help you!

You have a question, comment, suggestion or complaint about ZPEAK. Fire away! I will be happy to answer all your questions and solve any problem for you as soon as possible. Below you will find topics that may include your question and the answer. If not, look under Contact to ask a question directly via email, telephone or chat.

Do you have a malfunction? Check here if this is due to our network.

Frequently Asked Questions


  • I have a malfunction. What can be the cause of this?

    There may be activities in your area. In 90% of cases, this is the cause of the malfunction. Unfortunately, we cannot do anything about this because these are external causes and are not due to our own connection.
    Also view the manual: First Aid In Case Of Malfunctions.

  • What can I do if the sound quality of the calls is poor?

    Reset your device(s). You can do this by pulling the plug out of the socket, as well as the network cable. Wait 30 seconds and plug everything back in. If this does not help, check if amplifiers and routers are not too close, as they can be disruptive. Does this not work either? Take a look at the manual First Aid In Case Of Malfunctions or contact us.

  • First aid in case of malfunctions 

    Take a look at this manual about what you can do in case of malfunctions: First Aid In Case Of Malfunctions.

Call forwarding

  • How can I forward calls with my device?

    Forwarding calls with ZPEAK phones is simple and can be found in our device manuals.


My Telephone Exchange 

Change your subscription

  • I want to change my subscription. Do I have to switch to another ZPEAK subscription for this?

    No. The great thing about the ZPEAK concept is that the subscriptions are advices. However, each subscription is carefully tailored so that each company does not have any unnecessary functions and is precisely tailored to the needs of your company. If you still feel the need to switch a function on or off or to buy an additional option outside of the ZPEAK subscription, you only need to apply this in your Telephone Exchange.

  • Which additional options can I choose within my ZPEAK subscription?

    Each ZPEAK subscription has 7 additional options that you can purchase: Voicemail to e-mail, Fax to e-mail, Call recording and Unlimited calling within Europe. NOTE: ZPEAK has features and options; functions can be switched on and off as desired, the options can be purchased as desired. The meaning of each option is described in a useful overview on the Functions page.

  • How can I change my ZPEAK subscription?

    This can be done monthly and will be active within 24 hours (on working days).

  • What is the cancellation period of my ZPEAK subscription?

    A subscription with ZPEAK can be canceled every month.

Complaint, comment and/or suggestion

  • I have a complaint, comment and / or suggestion. Where can I send it to?


    ZPEAK is always open to improvement. I would be happy to solve all your problems via monique@zpeak.com or on working days from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm via 0800-560 00 56.

Account and Invoices

  • My company is moving. What should I do?

    Relocation has no influence whatsoever on the functioning of your telephone exchange and is only an administrative formality.

  • How can I change my company details?

    You can change your details such as address, e-mail address and bank account number. These changes are effective immediately.

  • How will billing be carried out?

    Every 3 months (if not chosen for prepaying in 1 year, resulting in a 10% discount) by direct debit or by manual transfer. In both cases you will first receive the invoice by e-mail where you can view it.

General Terms and Conditions and Fair Use Policy

  • What are the General Terms and Conditions?

    You can find ZPEAK's General Terms and Conditions here.

  • What is the Fair Use Policy?

    You can find ZPEAK's Fair Use Policy here.

Other questions?

  • Do you have other questions for ZPEAK?

    Do you have a question, comment, complaint or suggestion about a topic that is not listed here? No problem! Send an email to monique@zpeak.nl or call 0800-560 00 56 on working days from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm.